
Bethany fun

Hello family and friends. We thought you might enjoy seeing what fun things Bethany has been up to. So, here are some photos from this past week:

Nothing like painting with shaving cream! At first she wasn't too sure...

Then we got some tools out to help and then she went to town!

Even the clean up was fun... getting rinsed off in the shower by Daddy!

We also finger painted this week

And Bethany is learning how to master the art of swaddling her baby.
Step 1: Lay out the blanket

Step 2: Put your baby on the blanket (gently hopefully)

Step 3: Fold both sides of the blanket over the baby (the bottom one is optional for her :)

Last: Snuggle!

Much love,
Jennifer, Benjer, Bethany and Baby Girl


We know a lot of you are curious about our new house, so I finally am posting some photos of it :). We have not put up any of our decorations or pictures and not everything has been put away, so this is a rough draft of our new house! Our new address is 720 29th Street, Ogden, UT 84403. (I am new at this and the photos have uploaded out of order, so it might seem a little odd the way it's done :).

Here is our front porch and next to it is one half of our kitchen...

Here is the other half of our kitchen and then our dining room...

The front of our house, the drive way and our garage...

And, here is our living room!

Have a great day!
Love, Jennifer, Benjer, Bethany and Baby girl