
Samantha update 11/14/09

Little Miss Samantha does not seem to be having a very good time with her chest tubes (not that I can imagine someone really enjoying them!). Both tubes were clogged again today and the attempt to unclog them was unsuccessful, so she went down to surgery again and got new ones put in. However, they have changed a couple of things about her care, including giving her a medication that goes in the tubes every day to keep them from clogging. Hopefully this is the last time we will have to go through this.
A little bit of good news is that the left lung has significantly slowed down how much fluid it is outputting, so perhaps this week we might be able to look at shutting it off and possibly taking it out :). We will see...

Thank you again for all of your prayers and kind words you have sent us during this time. They have meant so much to Benjer and I. Much love to you all!

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